Bazelet develops and manufactures precise accurate and reproducible novel terpenes-enriched medical cannabis products tailor-made products of any desired composition. These novel compositions are specifically designed to optimize treatment efficacy by utilizing the cannabinoids–terpenes entourage effect.
We have been doing R&D since 2016, and our science team is one of the most active and creative in the industry.
Since 2016 to date, we have been managing a portfolio of 60 patent applications including granted patents in multiple territories.
Bazelet intellectual property covers fields of extraction methods, cannabis-based veterinary composition for improving the health of bees, honey-cannabinoid composition, and its novel enhanced therapeutic terpenes-enriched cannabis compositions.
In order to reach accuracy and reproducibility which are a real challenge in the production of medicinal cannabis, we constantly produce solutions that lead to standardized, potent and customized products.
Bazelet develops and tests formulations and methods, participates in clinical trials, and is in the forefront of cannabis research, applying our know-how in the market within every product we produce, every day.
In collaboration with Prof. Elyad Davidson, Hadassah medical university center in Jerusalem.
In collaboration with Hadassah medical university center, Jerusalem.
In collaboration with Schneider Children’s Medical Center of Israel.
suffering from chronic pain, insomnia, anxiety and psychomotor attention deficiency.
Bazalat’s in-house knowledge in creating and managing an IP strategy, allows it to pioneer innovation
Since 2016 to date, we have been managing a portfolio of 60 patent applications including granted patents in multiple territories.
A recent product of Bazelet’s innovative R&D group is a new cannabis formulations directed to enhance the therapeutic effect in an array of conditions, including treatment of pain, anxiety, insomnia, various neurological and auto-immune diseases, conditions related to women health and wellness (femmican) and conditions characterizing geriatric populations (Bcann Silver). Another set of formulations are directed for the treatment of children, including cases of epilepsy and autism (Bcann ASD) aiming to reduce putative long-term effects in this population. Those formulations are based on cannabis enrichment with particular terpene blends, specific for each indication. Bazelet’s first patent application in this field was published, the International Search Report (ISR) promisingly found all claims possessed Utility, Novelty, and an Inventive Step.
Bazelet has in-house knowledge in IP generation and strategy, and is employing one of the best US patent firms, aiming at an aggressive generation of its IP portfolio.